Argentinian Style grill in the outdoor kitchen!
The ultimate grilling style… the racks raise and lower to control the heat and the fire can either be charcoal or wood for smoking….all while overlooking the thousands of acres surrounding you! Come check it out!
Escape the Crowds at Indiana's Best-Kept Secret Shades State Park!!
Come check us out at Sugar Creek Retreat! You can walk right off the driveway into the park!
Yoga Retreat 2023 - Laughter, Connection & Self-Discovery!
Spring Yoga Retreat Sugar Creek Retreat Indiana
Sometimes we don't even know what is missing.
What if I told you that everything we need is already inside of us? No one is responsible for your happiness! A new job or a new car won’t make you happy, looking a certain way or being a certain weight won’t do it either. You’re perfect the way you are!
Fall Equinox Yoga Retreat! September 21st 2023
Cultivate connection in nature to find peace and serenity within. Yoga, soundbath, journaling, plant based meals, juicing, hiking, + more!
15x30 covered patio added to the log cabin!!
The roof and timbers are built out of Eastern Red Cedar and the rafters were milled in Southern Indiana. If you have visited us before, the master bedroom deck was long overdue to be redone. We expanded it to a 12x15 space and added large lounge furniture….. Perfect for drinking coffee and watching the wildlife and magnificent stars.
Wonderful Fall Wedding at SCR!!
A special thanks to the Bride and Groom and Vallosio Photo and Film for sharing this blog!
You all made the place look so magical.
Blog link - Rachel and Josh Wedding
A Journey within Yoga Retreat -- Aug 13 2022.
Click this link for registration info
Also please check out the attached schedule.
The Week of June 20-24 just opened up at the Farmhouse!
There’s been a last minute cancelation at the Farmhouse in June! This is one of the mist exciting times to visit us. The parks are in full bloom and the water is warm in the Sugar Creek making it perfect for a lazy day float down the river!! Also here’s a link to the all the Attractions around Sugar Creek Retreat— Attractions
New Outdoor Kitchen
The latest spring project at SCR is a cedar log outdoor kitchen. Logs were harvested from the property and carved to fit together. The new spot looks directly into Pine Hills Nature Preserve!!
The weekend of March 12th just opened up!
I often think the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day. Van Gogh
HOT TUBS Finally arrived as of 12-9-21!! Happy Holi-tubbing :)
Pics will be updated soon. The log cabin has a 6 person capacity and the the Farmhouse is 5 person…Pics will be updated soon.
Hot Tub'n a Com'n to Sugar Creek Retreat!!
We are SO excited to announce we are installing HOT TUBS at both cabins this fall. True to our commitment to local vendors and the highest focus on health we have chosen Royal Spa hot tubs that are manufactured in Indianapolis. They manufacture their tub jets and pumps to withstand the constant use of EPSOM SALT water which means you’ll get the healthiest and most relaxing soak possible. They should be installed by late October, just in time for this cool star filled nights in the woods!!
Memorial Day weekend at the cabin is now open!! May 28-30th
This is one of the most beautiful weekends at the Log Cabin. The 3 surrounding State parks are in full bloom and the local canoe livery’s will be running. Please check out our attractions page for more details and click Book Now to be taken to the reservations page for the Cabin!
Awesome weekend Nov 6-8 at the Log Cabin just opened up!! We had a last minute cancelation for the weekend of Nov 6-8th at the Log Cabin. This weekend is one of the best kept secrets. The leaves are still in full color and the surrounding parks of Turkey Run and Shades State are magical. We’ve also just added all new windows and doors so it’s even cozier than before. Please click the link to make a booking!!
Last Weekend in May now open at the Cabin!
A reservation has just moved opening up the Log Cabin for one of the best weekends of the year. May 29-31 is now available for booking. Check availability here
Annual 10 -15% promotion at SCR is here! Good through Feb 20, 2020!
Receive 10% off all bookings at either cabin and 15% off when booking both! Enter code
“10 for 20” in the apply discount box.
Click Reservations for availability
What a wonderful fall for weddings at Sugar Creek Retreat!
So many new beginnings at Sugar Creek Retreat.
This little fawn was taking in the beautiful view from the new wedding site Sunday morning. Seems like every time I clear a path for “progress” mother nature sends a sign telling me to slow down and appreciate the beauty…. She’s so right.